: just how many bloody classes do these paedophile protecting/murderers need?
Well, let's see. There's the "144,000" class,
the "achan" class,
the "kingdom of the heavens" class,
the "stranger" class,
the "anointed" class,
the "remnant" class,
the "remnant servant" class,
the "faithful and wise servant" class,
the "faithful" class,
the "wise servant" class,
the "anointed faithful and wise servant" class,
the "anointed servant" class,
the "faithful and discreet slave" class,
the "servant" class,
the "faithful servant" class,
the "modern-day Amos" class,
the "Samson" class,
the "modern-day Elijah" class,
the "evil slave" class,
the "evil servant" class,
the "man of lawlessness" class,
the "wicked and sluggish slave" class,
the "antichrist" class,
the "wicked slave" class,
the "wicked servant" class,
the "Naomi" class,
the "Ruth" class,
the "wise virgin" class,
the "virgin" class,
the "church" class,
the "bride" class,
the "goat" class,
the "other sheep" class,
the "earthly sheep" class,
the "earthly other sheep" class,
the "sheep" class,
the "Millennial sheep" class,
the "Jonadab" class,
the "Jonathan" class,
the "faithfully enduring wheat" class,
the "faithful wheat" class,
the "Kingdom wheat" class,
the "harvested wheat" class,
the "righteous wheat" class,
the "kingdom of heaven" class,
the "tare" class,
the "foolish virgins" class,
the "wicked and slothful servant" class,
the "man of sin" class,
the "temple" class,
the "kingdom of heaven" class,
the "sojourner" class,
the "great multitude" class,
the "son of perdition" class,
the "elect" class,
the "first resurrection" class,
the "elect servant" class,
the "Jotham" class,
the "daughter" class,
the "prodigal son" class,
the "prodigal" class,
the "royal bride" class,
the "virgins" class,
the "Delilah" class,
the "Jepthah's daughter" class,
the "minority preacher of righteousness" class,
the "house of the "Lord" class,
the "Esau" class,
the "Jacob" class,
the "elder" class,
the "younger" class,
the "younger son" class,
the "swine" class,
the "famine-hit official citizen" class, (nice!!)the "elder son" class,
the "elective elder" class,
the "sanctuary" class,
the "watchman" class,
the "Jephthah" class,
the "rich man" class,
the "Lazarus" class,
the "beggar" class,
the "good neighbor" class,
the "antitypical Jacob" class,
the "Ephraim" class,
the "foolish virgin" class,
the "millions now living that will never die" class,(otherwise known as the "yeah, right" class)the "Lord's goat" class,
the "young man" class,
the "natural man" class,
the "rest of the dead" class,
the "prisoner" class,
the "sons of Levi" class,
the "dumb dog" class,
the "Jerusalem" class,
the "false prophet" class,
the "live goat" class,
the "tribulation" class,
the "three hundred" class,
the "millions" class that shall not die,
the "wicked" class,
the "great company" class,
the "stiff-necked or stubborn, slothful" class,
the "nearer kinsman" class,
the "wicked" class,
the "seed" class,
the "it" class, (no joke, and my personal fav)
the "more holy than thou" class, (my runner up fav
the "desolate" class,
the "Joshua" class,
the "gathered out" class,
the "strong" class,
the "sons of the "prince" class,
the "mystery" class,
the "John" class,
the "Elijah" class,
the "scape-goat" class,
the "scapegoat" class,
the "clergy" class,
the "foolish virgin" class,
the "Isaac" class,
the "we" class,
the "us" class,
the "good ground" class,
the "beloved" class,
the "servants of the Bride" class,
the "feet" class,
the "thee" class,
the "stars of Heaven" class,
the "sands upon the seashore" class,
the "more than conqueror" class,
the "greater spiritual" class,
the "little flock" class,
the "called" class,
the "Higher Critic" class,
the "Ye" class,
the "chaff" class,
the "honored" class,
the "chosen" class,
the "overcomers" class,
the "dog" class,
the "jewel" class,
the "elder brother" class,
the "Haman" class, ..............
and many more I'm sure.